Coconut Water – Magic Medicine

Coconut juice

Coconut water has almost all the nutrients needed by the body, many B vitamins and minerals. The content of potassium and magnesium in coconut water is similar to human cell fluid, so it is often used for patients with diarrhea, even as an infusion.

Coconut water has almost all the nutrients needed by the body, many B vitamins and minerals. The content of potassium and magnesium in coconut water is similar to human cell fluid, so it is often used for patients with diarrhea, even as an infusion.
Children with diarrhea are encouraged to drink salted coconut water. Coconut water beautifies the skin, smooth black hair. Young coconut kernel (soft as jelly) contains many enzymes that are good for digestion, used to treat stomach ulcers, hepatitis, diabetes, dysentery, hemorrhoids, and colitis. Polysaccharides of coconut water stimulate immunity against pulmonary tuberculosis.

Young green coconut water is called “vegetable mineral water” by scientists because it contains many trace minerals necessary for the body and sugar in an easily digestible form, the amount of Vitamin C is enough for 1 day requirement. The juice in the 6-7 week old coconut is the most delicious and nutritious. Coconut water was used as an infusion during World War II and the Vietnam War.

Peruvian scientists use coconut to fight malaria: Cut the bark, put the cotton stalk impregnated with a bacterium that likes to eat the larvae of the anophile mosquito, cover it, and then drop it in salt water for 2-3 days for the bacteria to eat. coconut nutrients that proliferate. Pouring the water of those coconuts into ponds and swamps, the bacteria will kill the malaria-transmitting mosquito larvae by filling them up.

In the Philippines, coconut is considered an eternal food (called Nata). Coconut nata consists of coconut water, sugar, vinegar and “female water” (containing bacteria to help ferment). Former Philippine President Fidel Romos said that by eating this dish every day, he was as young as at the age of 20. Nata has become a high-class dessert in Japan and is considered to have anti-cancer effects.

Coconut water also has the use of preserving human and animal sperm in a state of “abundant health”, avoiding freezing, which reduces the ability to fertilize.

Other parts of the coconut tree such as the green bark and outer fibers are used to wash wounds, burns, eczema, and sores. Hard shell (coconut skull) burned into charcoal to prevent diarrhea, anti-radiation. Young leek eats the heart and spleen. The old leper is pressed for oil, used to treat broken bones, and made cosmetics. Coconut roots stop bleeding, diuretic and cure many other common ailments.

According to Oriental medicine, coconut water is warm, non-toxic, helps to increase vitality, freshen beauty, cools down, stops bleeding, so it is very good when treating heatstroke, vomiting blood, nosebleeds. Some ways to use coconut water to cure diseases:

  • Hoarseness: Young coconut juice 1 cup, centella asiatica 8 g. Crush gotu kola, squeeze the juice mixed with coconut water to drink.
  • Acute dysentery: Centella asiatica 50 g, fresh coconut juice one fruit. Wash gotu kola, pound, squeeze the water, mix with coconut water to drink. One fruit a day.
  • Vomiting: 2 cups of coconut water, 1 cup of grape wine, 10 drops of ginger juice, mix and drink.
  • Diuretic detoxification: Young coconut water has a diuretic effect in cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
  • Edema nephritis: Coconut water, grass root juice, reed root juice 30 g each. Mix well and drink.
  • Removal of trematodes: Safer and more effective than areca nut. No bleach needed. In the morning without eating, take 1/2 coconut, drink water and eat all the copra. After 3 hours, eat normally (liquid food).

Coconut soup reduces the toxicity of alcohol, “lubricating” the joints: People who often drink alcohol or have joint pain, or when the joints are active, there is a sound. Take a coconut cut across the top to make a lid, put 20 g of black beans, wash and cover, put on a plate, simmer for 4 hours. Then you can add as little salt as you want to drink coconut soup. Only need to drink 1-2 times a month, the joint pain will go away, the joints will be soft again.

Young coconut water to treat oranges (burnt belly, atrophy of the ass, malnutrition) for children: Coconut water is used to cook sticky rice, boiled chicken… increases the taste and nutrition, suitable for thin and weak people. Healthy people, in the morning drinking 1 Siamese coconut water is also very good.

Intestinal necrosis due to typhoid: 1 fresh coconut, 1 egg, 100 g fresh ginger, 15 g licorice. Copra pureed with ginger and licorice, add coconut water and egg yolk, stir well, dry slightly, squeeze out water to drink. This is the famous folk remedy Ke Khuong Duong.

Note: Coconut water taken out of the fruit will lose its taste, so just leave the fruit and drink it, it is best to drink it right at the root, just cut it, avoid dropping the coconut on the ground.