How to Make Coconut Smoothie at Home

Coconut Smoothie

Coconut smoothie is extremely special, attracting people to enjoy so much that it is hard to resist. The characteristic aroma of coconut along with other ingredients creates a cool and delicious drink. Learn how to make a delicious and attractive coconut smoothie with Mr Pho right in the article below!


  • Fresh coconut: 1 fruit
  • Condensed milk with sugar: 4 tablespoons
  • Fresh milk: 10ml
  • Granulated sugar: 2 tablespoons (20g)
  • Sugar syrup: 20ml
  • Pre-roasted peanuts: 50g
  • Shaved ice or ice made from coconut water
  • Tools: blender, glass, spoon, knife, cutting board…


Process Materials

Take the coconut water, then use a knife to halve the coconut, scrape the copra and put it in a bowl, cut the copra into small pieces when grinding, it will be much faster.

How to Blend Delicious Coconut Smoothie

Next, you marinate the coconut rice with 20ml sugar syrup or granulated sugar, don’t let the dried coconut shells mix like that, it will make the smoothie tasteless.

Put the coconut rice in the blender, put 4 tablespoons of condensed milk, 10ml of fresh milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a little coconut water into the machine until smooth. When the coconut milk mixture is just fine, turn off the machine, add the shaved ice, and then continue to grind until the mixture is smooth.

Delicious and Beautiful Coconut Smoothie Decoration

Pour coconut smoothie into a glass, put roasted peanuts on top and you’re done. You can add peanuts to grind with coconut, but this will make the peanuts soften, no longer crispy. Garnish with some grated coconut, mint leaves with green accents for a beautiful look.